Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy and Integration

In 2019, Ketamine became the first psychedelic drug to be approved by the FDA for use in treatment-resistant depression, because of its profound effects - which are fast-acting and long lasting. Ketamine has been shown to facilitate a period of neuroplasticity, allowing new connections to be made in the brain, thus enabling real changes in thought and behavior patterns.

Today, Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KAP) is most often used for treating chronic and treatment-resistant depression, anxiety, OCD, substance use disorders, and a variety of other presentations and conditions. New research is being published continually, adding to the conditions that KAP can help, which is an exciting prospect in the field of mental health.

In collaboration with Journey Clinical (JC), qualified clients will have a treatment package tailored specifically for their needs. Through JC, you will meet with an approved prescriber who will set your dose and treatment course. The treatments will occur in-office, requiring about 3 hours for the treatment, and then a 1 hour integration session within 1 week. Qualified clients may be able to have treatments in their own home, with their therapist present virtually, for a cost savings, after some in-office treatments. Treatments are typically spaced about 2 weeks apart, but can vary. KAP is a bit of a commitment, but considering the relief it gives, most say it is only a small sacrifice.

I am passionate about KAP because of its life-changing therapeutic benefits. People who have failed every drug they’ve been prescribed prior, now have balance and respite. While ketamine is not a magic bullet, and there is still work the client needs to put in (during integration sessions), they now have hope that had always eluded them.

With my extensive training in KAP, and with support of our partner, Journey Clinical, you can safely trust that your path with KAP will be freeing, healing and enlightening.

Rates for KAP depend on the number of treatment sessions and format. The 3-hr in-office dosing session rate is $450. The subsequent integration session is $100. Virtual dosing sessions are $250. Please note, fees for the medical portion through Journey Clinical are additional. We have a limited number of sliding scale spots available, and we also offer interest-free Care Credit financing for those who qualify. For more specific information and details, please contact us for a free consultation.

**Alternatively, if you are receiving Ketamine infusions, injections or Spravato at a clinic or Doctor’s office, you are still eligible for post-treatment Integration Sessions, which would augment your treatments to give you the most benefit. Rates for that are $120.

We do not accept insurance at this time. We accept Credit Cards, HSA/FSA, and partner with Care Credit for interest-free financing. We also provide super bills for reimbursement, or you may choose to utilize Mentaya, our partner for hassle-free reimbursements.


Individual & Couples Therapy


Nature-Informed Therapy & Intensives